Hung Muscle Man Jake Tanner

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Hey guys, we have something very sexy on the blog today that I think a lot of you are really going to love. You probably know we had some pics from Colt Studios on here a while ago showing off the gorgeous and hunky porn star Rick Wolfmier, and I know that had a lot of fans drooling. Well, now we have some shots of another Colt man that plenty of you will be lusting after too...

Jake Tanner is another classic male performer with some really hot movies under his belt - and a lot more under his belt too!

This handsome and hung hunk of muscle is one of those classic performers that I think must have a pretty big following out there considering some of the action he's appeared in before. I was on the site this morning checking out some of the videos he appeared in with other muscled men and they really are worth seeing.

He was in some hot jerk off and oral scenes way back when, and they're still classic scenes worth watching on the site for some good action. Lovers of muscle men and big dicks will definitely appreciate them, and if you ever watch those really big guys at the gym and imagine them getting it on together then you have to take a look ;)

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