Hung Lantis (aka Troy Moreno) Jerking His Big Cock!

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If you like horny men with real big cocks then you probably know this handsome hunk as Troy Moreno. He's appeared over at the Maskurbate site for a great solo jack off performance, and he really delivers an amazing show. He's being called Lantis over there, although I guess that's just because they were going with some story about him being a horny delivery driver asked to come in and show off his big piece of meat. I kind of get why the site started creating fictional stories about their guys and getting the men into hauling out their big dicks, but personally, I don't really pay a whole lot of attention to the stories.For me, it's all about seeing this muscled man really going to town on his big dick and rubbing his load out for the fans. For me, it's all about seeing this muscled man really going to town on his big dick and rubbing his load out for the fans. One of the best things about this solo is seeing him using a cock pump on his big dick - as if he needs to make that thing any longer or meatier! lol Check out some of the pics from his session and click through for the video, I have a feeling a lot of you will want to see him enjoying that thing :)

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7 years ago

He was on the site once before under the same name, many years ago.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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