Hung Jock Bad Boy James Ryder
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving weekend planned out! But if you're at a bit of a loose end this evening, don't worry, because I have something that I think a lot of you are going to enjoy! ;)
Although just yesterday I was asking if I post too many pics of older guys, hairy men and inked hotties on the blog and maybe I should mix things up a little, when I saw this hardcore set of the stunning bad boy James Ryder on the Next Door Male site I just had to have him on the blog for you all to really appreciate. I don't care how many of you think we need more twink boys or clean-cut jocks on here, this guy is gonna definitely get most of you jerking it!
He's pretty sexy, right? He has that look about him that says you might not want to take him home to meet your mother. But then who would want to do that? You'd surely just want to keep him all to yourself, maybe chained to your bed so you can ride that long cock whenever you wanted some action! lol
Yep, that some impressive inches of long and slender dick the lad has. Perfect of deep throating ;)

Don’t worry so much about the content of what you post!!! Obviously, we all like it or we wouldn’t be checkin’ you out every day. About 1 out of 10 posts does absolutely nothing for me, but I still check in every day! You can’t please all of the people all of the time! Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!