Hung Hunks For Curbwear

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I've really been enjoying the shoots by underwear brand Curbwear over the last year, and this one definitely had my attention when I saw the guys and those impressive bulges! If you've been paying any attention to this brand they have a good talent for finding some interesting guys, and they seem to go back and forth between rugged and smooth too. If memory serves this is also a London brand, which means that the two guys in this shoot are probably British.

Their names are Jack and Marshall, but that's all I know. I will be attempting to find out a little more about these hot hunky men later today though, so if I find anything else worthy of sharing with you I'll be back to spread the love ;)

Of course, the first thing that a lot of you will notice is all that cock bulge. I think it's fair to say that both these guys have some generously proportioned manhood packed away into those briefs. It's a tempting sight I think we all agree.

I don't know which of these guys is which, but although both seem to be pretty well hunk that hairy hunk certainly seems to have a big thick length of man meat to enjoy, or some very big balls behind it. That's the kind of think us horny guys always notice though, right? lol

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curious sixty two
curious sixty two
11 years ago

Could care less about the bulges. The inkless, smooth one is quite the man, with both a great ass and chest. Prime beef is all that I can see and that’s quite enough.

Henry James
Henry James
11 years ago

Both of them are really hot-as-hell, gorgeous beefcakes. TKS!!!

11 years ago

where do i get my pair of bottoms? hehe

Nashville Bulge Lover
Nashville Bulge Lover
11 years ago

I’m with you, Conran! I LOVE the bulges and would love to get into those briefs to become better acquainted with the entire package!

10 years ago

Hairy chest is Marshall Arkley and Smooth chest is Jack Jefferson

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