Hung & Handsome Hugh Plummer Gets His Big Dick Out

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It's been three years since we first saw Hugh Plummer here at Gay Body Blog, but although I've had him on my list to check out again I only just got around to him. To be honest, I was expecting to find a lot more than I have done when I went looking today and I'm not entirely sure why but he seems to have vanished from the modeling business.

I did find some older pics that we hadn't seen the last time we enjoyed a post of photos starring this handsome British guy and his big cock, so I thought you guys would appreciate this anyway.

He really is a very hot guy, which only makes it more unusual that there's not a hundred new shoots with him out there from the last three years. He's got a lot of what most of the major photographers look for, with his suave looks, his athletic body, a hot ass and a big ol' dick to go with it all.

He's one of those models you can imagine in everything from a suit to a sports kit, and everything in-between.

Maybe it's just that there are far fewer photographers in the UK producing this kind of work? I don't know the reason for him not being out there, but I think we all know we need to see more of him, right?

Enjoy these pics and let me know what you think in the comments. If you didn't see the first post with him click here to check it out, there's a lot more cock in that one :)

Have a lovely Tuesday!

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4 years ago

Definitely yes, although I like the older photos better.

1 year ago

Suck ur big dick and let u Pound me.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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