How Many Inches Does Helios Woods Have?

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I know it's going to be an important question going through your mind when you see thee stunning photos of young muscle hunk Helios Woods, showing off his fine body and that immense bulge for the cameras!

He was sent to me this morning in an email from a friend, and the friend asked that question too. I don't want to make it all about that package, but it's pretty hard to ignore.

I'm going to guess 8 inches :)

Not that it really matters too much, the rest of him is enough to keep me interested and very happy. Seriously, the guy could have a 5 inch boner and I would be happy with that as long as it comes with all the extras lol

There is only one little thing that I would change about this handsome and horny hunk, and that's his shaving. I know a lot of guys are shaving their junk these days (I recently found out that a straight bodybuilder friend of mine shaves his dick and balls too) but I do wish they would stop. It looks so much better with some nice short hair framing it - just around the top.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Care to guess that length? lol

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9 years ago

The muscles, the tan, the smooth ink-free skin; once the beard is gone, he’s perfect! Could care less about the size of his dick. He has one; that’s all that’s required.

Actually, I prefer completely hairless yet, sadly, I don’t have the balls to shave my own down there. I trim the top but that’s where I stop. Uncontrolled bleeding is not fun.

9 years ago

Enough to have to hide it 🙂

9 years ago

Sexy dark volcano type nipples also. Am I the only one having a thing for that special shape and colouring?

8 years ago

Love the veins in his cock showing through. Grrrrr. Slurp

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