How Many Comments Will Serious Hunk Ryan Dowling Get?
Happy Friday everyone! *does happy chair dance*
I hope you have something planned for this weekend, whether it's going out with friends, hooking up with someone, or just sitting in front of Netflix for a binge (I would recommend The OA if you need something awesomely weird to watch)
I'm heading out for drinks with someone interesting tonight, and as such I've been in the mood for some handsome hotness. Then again, when am I not in the mood for that?
I went looking around and I discovered Ryan Dowling. The name instantly rang several bells in my head but I still have no clue why. I do know that he's Irish, but now lives in Australia. That doesn't give me any clues as to where I recognize him from. *shrugs*
Regardless, he's really hot, in a very masculine but comfortable way. He's not hyper-butch to the point of being scary, and that smirk in one of the photos really works for him. He's got the right level of masculinity in my opinion, it adds to his sexiness.
I don't know if there are any naked shoots with him out there, probably not, but then again I know a lot of Irish guys are pretty chilled out and relaxed about things like that so it wouldn't surprise me if he has shown everything off at least once.
I'll be looking for that shoot, in the meantime we get to enjoy this handsome and fit guy in a shoot by Jesse O'Leary.
Leave a comment and let me know what you think especially let me know if you can work out why his name and face are so familiar! It's gonna bug me for a while.
Have a great Friday!

Smirk? They all look the same. Sexy body to be sure but same expression throughout.
effing gorgeous
I’d be serious about that body, too. Clean, no art work, just a good body build. I think that we’re all about. right?