How Have We Not Seen More Of Gorgeous Athletic Hunk Matt Holdener In The Last 4 Years?
This happens more often that I would like. We saw some photos of gorgeous Matt Holdener just over four years ago and although I planned to find more of him it was nearly impossible. I don't know what brought him across my path today but I located the rest of the shoot by photographer Scott Cushman and I had to share it with you.
Click here to see that first set of pics in 2017.
I'm still struck by just how well built this handsome young man is. He's got a body you don't see very often and I want to say it's the result of years of swimming and gymnastics. He doesn't look like a man who spends all day lifting weights, he looks like a man who spends his days rock climbing, running, cycling and being as active as possible.
I can't say I know much about muscle development or working out (seriously, you should have seen me the one time I tried to use the free weights at the gym lol) but he does look like someone who participates in Iron Man contests, cycling races and mud runs, doesn't he?
Whatever it is that makes him look like this we appreciate his efforts, because this handsome man looks awesome.
Now I'm wondering if he's been in ten other shoots since this one back then. I think I know what I'm going to spend too much time doing today lol
Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post! Most importantly, as always, have a lovely day.

I am more partial to slightly furry men so I don’t often say this about completely smooth guys, but he is a VERY handsome man. The body is nicely muscled but it’s the face and smile that push this guy over the line into the f*!!ing handsome category. Thanks for sharing!
Did we all just get a woody?
Cute twunk.
Body of distinction
Beauty beyond belief!
That is quite the scar down his spine! Has to be a story there. Absolutely beautiful man.
Beauty is not a question of relativity , but time ?