How Have We Never Seen Southern Jock Model Colton Black?
Guys, I have another brand new hottie to add to my list and I think most of you are going to enjoy this Southern jock model as much as I do.
You all know I have a thing for the all-American jock look, right?
When I see a gorgeous young man who looks like he could have been a frat boy something happens inside me lol
Colton Black does that to me.
Even though I could only find five pics from this underwear shoot I knew you would appreciate them. I know they're not the best quality either.
This Alabama boy seems to be pretty new. Maybe that's why we haven't seen him on the blog before? That also might be why the pics seem to be amateur.
I can imagine he probably just went out into the woods with a friend to shoot these shots.
Don't you wish you were that friend?
He's allegedly just 20 years old. I predict we're going to be seeing a lot more from him in the future.
He's looking good in these underwear shots, but I think we all want to see some more thorough modeling shoots with him. It would be great to see him modeling for a major underwear brand, he obviously has what it takes.
While I think he's still just starting out I can imagine him going pretty far.
While he calls himself a fitness model I definitely think he's well suited to displaying some bulging briefs for a few of those major labels out there.
And, of course, we would all love to see him posing nude for an erotic shoot or two with a couple of the leading lights of sexy male photography.
Will we get that from this sexy Southern jock model?
I don't know, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Colton Black wears White, hahaha.
Delícia (◕દ◕)
what a stunning guy
Nature and last picture are beautifull and the model : why doesn’t he smile ?
He’s new to AAG; you can see more of him there. No complete nudity yet that I’m aware of.
His nudes are everywhere since he’s always sold them, he’s not just on aag which is a pretty bad site by the way!
Text a little exaggerated, it even seems like it was bought by his super team, as he wants to become a super model, the body is good, but the face is ordinary and not the best, these photos. they are not amateur at all, he always sold nudes, on reddit, on snaps, at the beginning of his OF, until he decided out of nowhere to become a super model lol he then proceeded to deceive all OF subscribers, no brand wants to be associated with that!