How Have We Never Seen Sergey Boitcov Here Before?

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This actually happens to me a lot. Even though I've been posting here for more than ten years, every day, there are still surprises out that just appear in my emails.

I have to thank my friend Mark for sending me these photos of gorgeous blond Russian model Sergey Boitcov, who we've somehow never seen here at Gay Body Blog before.

I can't say who the photos are by but I think we have a pretty good collection of pics of this gorgeous young man, and I do know that he's posed for some big names, like David Vance.

I think he started out back in about 2015. That's a surprise to me, because I would have thought we would have seen a lot more of his gorgeous guy since then.

Having said that, we've seen a lot of Russian male models here on the blog and it does sometimes seem as though they're working in their own domestic markets more than branching out into the wider world. I don't know why that might be, but it certainly feels as though that's the case.

While we don't know a whole lot about this handsome hunk just yet I am going to do a little digging and see what else I can find. I'm guessing you'll want to see more of him, right?

Let me know what you think in the comments, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers can enjoy him too.

Have a great Tuesday! :)

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3 years ago

Those eyes, full, kissable lips, and nipples!

W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

Quick question, why the tease?

3 years ago

Sergey is as handsome and built as any ancient god.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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