Hotness With Husky Hunk Will Grant

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Oh my, where has Will Grant been for the last few years and why didn't I know about this gorgeous hunk before today?

Someone sent me an email this morning with a few pics of this handsome stud and I couldn't wait to get out there and find out a whole lot more about him.

I can tell you some deets, so kick back and learn a little about this guy before you go off on your own stalking mission looking for more pics of him (don\t worry, I will be doing the same in the hope of writing another post about this guy).

I confess I just assumed he was an Aussie when I first saw some pics of him. He's got that Australian vibe about him, doesn't he? He's actually from Seattle, Washington.

He's an accomplished BMX rider (is that the right term?) he's won various competitions in the sport. He's also a male model, but that should be no surprise given how ridiculously hot he is. Thankfully, I'm told he's specifically popular as an underwear model, allegedly due to his generous assets.

I have yet to see those shoots, but you can bet I'm gonna be searching.

Check out some pics I've gathered and let me know what you think in the comments. Isn't he lovely?

Hit that thumbs-up button, share the post, and have a great Tuesday too!

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5 years ago

What a waste with all the clothes. The nude male body is the most beautiful thing on earth
when they are not ashamed to show their cocks

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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