Hot Wrestler Barbarian Leon At GayHarem!

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We all love a hot wrestler, right? While you might not think a lot of WWE guys are hot, you definitely have to agree college wrestling is a bit of a kink.

I think wrestler Barbarian Leon at GayHarem is a pretty sexy combination of both forms.

Clearly loosely based on King II from Tekken 3 this handsome and well-built fantasy man is as much of a lover as a fighter, although the way he loves is aggressive and mean.

Just the way you like it? lol

Referred to as The Lion Wrestler you can see why he's a "King of Beasts", with that incredible mane if hair.

He has plenty of names, but I think the most important is his "King of the Ring| status. When this giant of a man engages you in battle he's ready to pound and pummel in the best way possible.

I probably don't need to be more descriptive than that when you have all these awesome pics of him to check out :)

You know I've been enjoying sharing the GayHarem characters with you and I know a lot of you have been clicking over to check out and enjoy the adventure for yourself.

If you haven't done so yet, click here and take a look! This isn't just a game, it's one seriously sexy adventure packed with fantastical characters worth meeting :)

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Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Dava muito pra ele (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

1 year ago

un regard de feu, une tignasse de lion, des jolies petites fesses rondes , le reste : à l’assaut !

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