Hot Pics Of Hairy Hunk Paddy O’Brian

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I think it's been a little too long since we last saw handsome British hunk Paddy O'Brian on the Gay Body Blog. I was considering maybe mixing things up and getting one of his porn shoots on here but then I considered that there are some great shots of the guy outside of mainstream hardcore porn that we could really enjoy. So, I've spent a little more time than I probably should have searching for a nice collection of pics of him showing off, some with that impressive cock out, but some with him just sharing his good looks and that awesome body. Awesome is not a word I use very often, I think it's a little extreme, but I think we need a pretty strong word when we're talking about that ripped and powerful body of his. I guess he's one of those guys you either love or hate. I've seen some guys out there who really don't like him much and I'm not entirely sure why. When you see his interactions with fans on social media he's a nice guy, motivational, eager to please and seemingly loving his job. I think he's lovely, from head to toe, inside and out. Seriously, would any of you be kicking him out of your bed?

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8 years ago

Paddy’s got one of the most beautiful faces, bodies and faces on the planet. Love his scenes.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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