Hot Or Not – Igor Stepanov

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I'm going to say something I don't often say... I don't like all the ink on this young man. There, I said it, I know that's a little bit of a departure from my previous opinions when it comes to ink on a guy, but in the case of Igor Stepanov I think it's a dubious decision at best.

Still, it doesn't seem to take away from the fact that this young man is ridiculously pretty.

I love the contradiction. Even though I think the "Est. 1993" tattoo is a little bizarre (why have your year of birth emblazoned across your chest? Does he suffer from amnesia and constantly forget how old he is? Does he have the date and month stamped on his butt cheek? Is he a "business" rather than a person?) I still can't ignore the fact that when I see that smiling photo of the guy my heart aches.

He's so handsome, and without all the ink he would look so lovable and sweet.

Maybe that's why he's done it? Perhaps he became tired of everyone saying how sweet he looked and he wanted to be a little meaner?

Okay, I've decided, he's hot. I can ignore the tattoos, even the year on his chest. The rest of him more than makes up for it!

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10 years ago

Definitely hot.. Hot! Hot!

10 years ago

The other phrase suddenly popular with guys of his age to emblazon on their body is “Only God can judge me.”

Truth is, judgment is something we engage in every day. And, my judgment is that what all people who self mutilate have in common is a desperate need for attention which suggests very low self esteem and stunted emotional growth.

Neither of which, BTW, is remotely sexy.

10 years ago

i think he’s divine. his body borders on the twink-a-delic side, but the tatts and treasure trail and those beautiful lips more than make up for it. have you ever seen the tat he has on the INSIDE of his lip? OUCH!

Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago

Not hot in the least. Too many ugly & nasty tats do not appeal to me at all

10 years ago

Beautiful legs, beautiful face, but I’m getting way too distracted by all the tats. Not hot.

Robert Leck
Robert Leck
10 years ago


10 years ago

Incredibly beautiful and even sweet!.

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