Hot Muscle Guy Cody Lake

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I know I have a hardcore post lined up for you guys tomorrow, but when I was checking out the Randy Blue site and saw this collection of pics of the gorgeous Cody Lake I couldn't hold back and knew you guys would love to see this gorgeous young man as soon as possible.

This is the kind of guy I could really fall for, in every way. I know I often say how a guy I'm featuring is gorgeous, but there are very few that I would go so far as describing as almost perfect. In my opinion, Cody Lake is one of those guys I would say is most definitely almost perfect (and I'm only saying "almost" because there has to be at least something about him that would make him slightly less than perfect for me - I just don't know what it is! lol)

Fans of the site will probably know that he's been around since jerking himself off with a toy in September last year, and he's shared the screen with a few guys since then too. He's a versatile performer, bottoming and topping in his time on the site.

Something I have to point out is that these pics seem to show him more muscled than a recent video, so I'm wondering if this is his new look and they delayed the release of that last video of his. I'm hoping he sticks with whatever routine he's got going on right now, because that bod is looking hotter than ever!

Cody Lake at Randy Blue (1) Cody Lake at Randy Blue (2) Cody Lake at Randy Blue (3) Cody Lake at Randy Blue (4) Cody Lake at Randy Blue (5) Cody Lake at Randy Blue (6) Cody Lake at Randy Blue (7) Cody Lake at Randy Blue (8)

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12 years ago

He`d be perfect, except for a tat! I know others have more tats and haven`t said much, but this one is annoying…

12 years ago

Where’s the dick?

12 years ago

Weher’s the MEAT? HAHA

12 years ago

WOW, I had to go back and look for the tat! lol Did not notice it the first time I looked at him!

12 years ago

Wow wat a hot me they r i would like to have sex with them,

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