Hot Guys In Bulging Briefs, Perfect For Wednesday

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Wednesday is a tough day, right? We're half way through the week but there's still so much more to go! You need something to lift your spirits. How about some sexy bulging briefs?

It's been quite a while since we had a compilation post but when I looked through one of my desktop folders this morning and discovered how many hot guys with impressive packages I had I knew it was time to share some of them.

I admit that this was partly inspired by the reception Nik Ball got in that post of big bulging.

And you guys know I have a thing for underwear. My collection got unreasonably large at one point. Pun intended.

I've managed to tame my slight addiction over the years and just have a few special pairs, but enjoying gorgeous guys like these showing off their wares is often enough to have me out there looking for some new undies to buy lol

You might recognize some of these men.

Some of these pics might have even made it to the blog at some time in the past. I don't think you're going to mind if that's the case.

All of these men are super hot in their own way but their bulging briefs are the focus here, the thing they all have in common.

You can tell these guys have a lot to play with and we wouldn't mind seeing them all playing!

Enjoy, leave a comment and let me know which is your fave. I can't pick just one, I love any underwear pic that reveals a little detail :)

Have a great Wednesday!

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Um Brasileiro
Um Brasileiro
1 year ago

Cada gostoso que eu meu cu piscou (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)

Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
1 year ago

That 1st guy is amazing. Natural body hair. Not over built in a gym. Nice junk. Wow.

1 year ago

Handsome boys

1 year ago

jeux de mains pas toujours coquins et de pauvres soutiens parfois! aie !

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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