Horny Dudes With Their Dicks Out For Masturbation Month!

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A friend let me know yesterday that May is Masturbation month.

I knew it existed, I've seen articles about it before but it never really stuck in my mind.

I immediately texted back and asked how we're supposed to celebrate this. Do we give each other the gift of a hand job?

Apparently it's not like that, although he hasn't turned down my offer lol

He didn't exactly seem to know what it means to have a month dedicated to masturbation. I guess guys jack off more than they usually do or something?

There are no hard and fast rules, so to speak.

So I thought maybe we could just mark the occasion with some pics of hot men showing off their dicks, in various states. I prefer the pics of guys rigid and openly enjoying their bate of course, but all of these guys have something to offer.

Let me know in the comments if you're planning anything special for this month. Maybe a circle jerk with some friends or collection of new toys for you to enjoy?

Leave a comment below, hit the thumbs up button, share the post with all your friends and followers who also probably don't know it's masturbation month lol

I'm gonna go and do some reading and see if I can discover how other men mark this occasion.

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2 years ago

Isn’t every monthMasturbation Month? What do I say …? Isn’t every day Masturbation Day?
I would especially like to play with men nrs. 1, 6, 7, 8, 10

2 years ago

I sure hope Pic #8, once it was photographed that proper care was taken to deal with that dripping liquid gold coming from that mushroom head’s piss slit. It would be an absolute tragedy if a towel, tissue or rag was used. The only proper way to deal with this situation clearly is the use of a tongue to properly address the situation. And I’m pretty sure I won’t get an argument.

2 years ago

Great post!

2 years ago

Who is #2, with 120% on his chest?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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