Hispanic Hottie Chris Cuba

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Chris Cuba is one of those boys I could really fall in love with at first sight. This guy is so incredibly hot, and he's getting hotter by the day it seems as he works on building that body. He's a fitness and underwear model with aspirations to continue to break into more mainstream fashion work, and continue with some acting too.

Why is it that these art forms seem to go together? Is it just about looks or is there some genuine talent that goes along with looking hot in front of the camera? I mean, you don't have to be a stunner to be an actor, but why do so many models want to act too?

Not that I really care what a guy does for a living, especially if he's getting his kit off and looks like this little hunk. I say little, but the dude is 6'1", and weight 180lbs. So maybe not so little after all.

And I managed to find another hot model dude who DOESN'T live in California! This dude lives in Manhattan apparently, for all you stalkers out there... good luck. lol

I do love this guy, but I would really love to see more. I couldn't find any nude shots unfortunately, and believe me I ALWAYS look for them :)

Chris Cuba - Naked Chris Cuba - Awesome Abs Chris Cuba - Sporty Jock Chris Cuba - White Briefs Chris Cuba - Shiny Muscle Body Chris Cuba - Sexy Guy In Briefs Chris Cuba - Naked in Sport Gear Chris Cuba - Shirtless Chris Cuba - Bulging

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13 years ago

These are QUITE old; “Chris Cuba” was a name cooked up by his agency. He now models under his real name, Chris Campanioni – but I don’t think he’s done nudes.

Brief Pip
Brief Pip
Reply to  DrRandy
4 months ago

…and yes he has done nudes!

13 years ago

Usually, I can appreciate pictures without having any real interest in the person in them, beyond the pleasure of seeing them. THIS one, however, is one of the rare few I would most definately want to know. If I were designing myself, I think I would be him.

13 years ago

Is this not the same guy you featured before? Chris Campanioni?? He’s perfection.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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