His Name Is Chema Malavia, And I Need More!

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I have to start this off by thanking GayBodyBlog reader PeeWee for letting me know who this gorgeous man is. If you didn't see the post of pics featuring this handsome man yesterday then you should go and see the guy showing off that toned and fit body and his impressive bulge for Nitswim. That shoot was glorious, sexy, and had me wanting more of the guy, but I had no idea who he was or where I could see more of his handsome face and that impressive bod. Well, we now know his name is Chema Malavia and he's a stunning Spanish model who really should be getting his clothes off for more photographers than he appears to have done already. Surprisingly, there's not a whole lot of him out there, which is a little strange considering he was MISTER GLOBAL SPAIN 2016. This shoot by photographer Marcos Domingo Sánchez is a personal one, a test I suppose, not intended for any campaign or client. It perfectly shows off both the model and the photographer and I desperately want to see more. I'm going to spend a little more time this afternoon looking for some more shoots with this handsome stud. I'm not alone in thinking he's gorgeous, right? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of him. And if you have any ideas for guys we should feature mention them in the comments too! Have a great Thursday guys :)

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Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
6 years ago

He is a great looking, sexy man. Thanks

6 years ago

Love that bulge in the first photo

6 years ago

you are very welcome.. here’s what i did , i took one of his pictures and put it into google’s reverse image search and there you go

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