He Keeps Getting Hotter – Matthieu Charneau

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After the last post of the gorgeous French model Matthieu Charneau naked in the bathroom, I was alerted to another recent shoot with the guy looking hotter than ever!

I don't know how it's possible, but it seems that every time I see some new shots of this young handsome and hairy guy he looks even more delicious than the last time we saw him. Although he's wearing more clothes for this shoot, Matthieu Charneau is somehow hotter still.

I think it's the whole teasing thing that he does so expertly. He has this ability to be intensely erotic without showing any dick, and I think that has to be a rare skill amongst male models.

Ugo Richard is the lucky photographer getting to spend some time with the gorgeous young man for this shoot, capturing him filling out some underwear like it was specially designed just for his package. lol

Now, I don't know about you, but I would find it impossible to work with this handsome stud in a studio. I would find myself on charges of sexual harassment, or I'd waste the entire day running to the mensroom to jerk off repeatedly. lol

Enjoy the pics, and if you're going out tonight and see a guy as sexy as Matthieu Charneau, do not hesitate to hit on him. You know you'll regret it if you don't at least try! ;)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (1)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (2)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (3)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (4)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (5)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (6)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (7)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (8)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (9)

He Keeps Getting Hotter - Matthieu Charneau (10)

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12 years ago

WOW I love his looks!

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