Hardcore Gay Gloryhole With Tyler Torro And Brody Wilder

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What a great mix of muscle boy this video is! When I was checking out the Next Door Buddies site after the gym today and saw this awesome duo I knew I had to make an extra hardcore post to kick your weekend off with a bang!

I definitely love the hot mix in this video. Gorgeous Brody Wilder is like the all-Amercian jock, perfect from his handsome looks and muscled physique right to his hot hole and throbbing boner. He actually looks like a star, like a guy you might see in one of those college movies.

Then you contrast that against the dark and handsome Tyler Torro, with his rough boy good looks and his bad-boy persona... He's the kind of guy you can imagine being the dangerous guy all the parents worry about their daughter hanging around!

I'm a sucker for a bad boy though, and so is Brody Wilder when he sees that guys cock through the gloryhole! There's no doubt who's wearing the trousers in this video (so to speak) with Brody taking it like a good lad and loving every moment of it as Tyler uses and abuses the jocks mouth and ass.

Have a great Friday night guys, whether you're out on the town or having some "personal time" - I'll be doing the latter! ;)

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13 years ago

The 2 for 1 post is nice!!!! thanks!

12 years ago

offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.very good baby.

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