Happy Monday With Handsome British Jock Matty Carrington

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This handsome British jock could easily become one of my all-time fave models.

In fact, I think I've decided that he is.

It feels weird calling a British model like Matty Carrington a "jock". We really don't have that notion over here but if any British model suits that label it's this guy.

I think the first time I saw him, before I knew anything about him, I automatically imagined he was an American guy. I probably assumed he was from a rural state, from a farming family :)

You see how bad stereotypes are? You have to admit that he does have that look about him, right? I could totally imagine him being on a local football team or wrestling in college.

I would not mind seeing him in torn jeans working on a ranch lol

Okay, now we're just strolling untoward into my own fantasie. We need to take a detour back to decency before it's too late.

He's gorgeous, obviously. We've seen him several times here at Gay Body Blog. I would love to see him a hundred times more, especially if he's showing off that body and wearing sexy bulging briefs like he is for this shoot by Christian Oita.

It appears to be a shoot for the Bang&Strike brand. I don't believe I've ever heard of them before these photos were sent to me.

You guys know I've long struggled with an underwear addiction (struggled? lol) but I think I might have to check out some of their wares after seeing these photos.

Enjoy this handsome British jock model. Leave a comment. Hit that thumbs-up button and share the post with your friend and followers. You know they'd enjoy seeing him.

Have a good Monday and don't work too hard.

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4 years ago

Happy Monday , mardi, mercredi , jeudi, vrijdag, zaterdag, Sonntag , a week and more (in Belgium , three languages and English to be sure to be understood !

4 years ago

[…] probably saw the first half of this shoot by Christian Oita back in May, but you’re gonna wan to check out the rest […]

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