Happy Hunk Juan Abellán Is Full-On Posing For Sergio Miguélez

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Happy Thursday! We're nearly at the end of another week and although weekends seem to just be blending into the rest of our days right now I have to say I'll be real glad just for a couple of days off to sit in my garden. I hope the weather holds out until then but to be honest it could start flooding and I'll stubbornly be out there refusing to give up on my plans.

I already have something hot planned for you guys tomorrow, but in the meantime I have this handsome hunk to share with you for the first time. I already know you're gonna like him, and if you don't I'm gonna need reasons why in the comments.

His name is Juan Abellán and he's a happy hunk who likes to smile or smirk in his photos, which makes a nice change from all the gorgeous guys who maintain the most serious expressions.

He's been posing for photographer Sergio Miguélez, another name we haven't seen on the blog before.

Having looked at more of this photographer's work today it looks like he's from a traditional catalog style background. These photos are a little more physique orientated than some of the others I've seen.

I'm making assumptions of course, but it definitely feels to me as though Sergio Miguélez is breaking out of the catalog photography world and getting into more creative work. I like what I'm seeing!

Let me know what you think in the comments, and hit that thumbs-up button too. Most importantly, enjoy your Thursday and don't work too hard :)

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4 years ago

He’s hot. Nuff said.

4 years ago

A handsome hot stud! More! please

J.A. Fludd
4 years ago

I wish we could see him a bit “fuller” on.

4 years ago

[…] you saw the first post of pics featuring handsome hunk Juan Abellán on Thursday then you probably expected that we might see more of him and that hot […]

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