Happy Friday – Time For Some Gay Porn!

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I'm sure you don't actually need much inspiration as you plan your weekend. But if you're like me, you're probably heading out to see some of those hunky men out there in the bars and clubs, and maybe see who you can hook up with.

So, in order to kick off your weekend with some horny style I thought you might want to see this great new shoot from the Randy Blue site!

You guys know we love the RB site here, because their guys are just perfectly sculpted and just generally awesome. So when I saw this new update with the fresh hunk Jayce Williams getting his first on-screen action I had to get the video on here for you.

He's only been in a solo jerking video before now, when he arrived back in September. But I know a lot of the guys there wanted to see him getting it on with another of their hunks and Lucky Daniels is the perfect guy to get him in some man-on-man action. I think you'll agree this is one spooge-inducing shoot!

If you've never seen a guy shoot his wad through just rimming - you're in for a treat with this video ;)

Jayce Williams and Lucky Daniels at Randy Blue

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