Happy Christmas! Here, Have Some Pics Of Alex Crockford In His Underwear
I hope you're already having a fantastic day. I'm spending the day with family so I had this post all prepared in advance. I wanted something a little special, but without getting some cliche shoot of a hot a guy in a Santa hat. I think every blog out there is probably doing that, and there's only so many shoots to go around when you're picking a theme as small as that would be!
So, I hope you don't mind me getting together some gorgeous photos of the handsome British fitness model Alex Crockford in his underwear...
Of course you don't mind, the guy is so handsome and so fit, we can't really get enough of him. Although we would all love to see him totally in the buff and showing off every inch of him, the closest we're likely to get (for the time being, at least) is some sexy underwear posing.
No doubt he's got a lot to be proud of, a lot of reasons to be the confident ball of sexy energy he is, but he does leave us all wanting more every time we see him, right?
On a side note, while I'm thinking about my gym commitments for the New Year (why do I do this to myself? lol) it would be great to have a dude like him as a personal trainer. Just have a think about that for a little while :)
Have a great day guys.

i really like the new design of this blog. and alex crockford is the best there is, isn’t he?