Hanging Out With Fit Dude Charles Gaget

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You guys know we love to get a bit of international action on the Gay Body Blog from time to time, and while it might be true that the majority of hunky and hot male models seem to come from the US, there are a lot of very handsome and fit men out there from around the world and they occasionally find their way here - to much praise from me, and many of the readers ;)

I have another non-American for you today, and I think most of you will agree that he's a welcome addition to our little collection.

His name is Charles Gaget, and he's a gorgeous French dude with a hot body and a handsome face, showing off in some undies for photographer Sylvain Norget.

I've done a little searching on this guy and it seems to me that he might be new to the male model business, there's only this shoot out there that I can find.  After enjoying this relaxed and interesting shoot I'm hoping there's going to be more of him - only with fewer clothes to get in the way lol

Yeah, I'm sorry (I'm not), but when I see a guy this hot I can't think of anything else but seeing them butt naked and showing it all off, that's just how my brain works :)

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