Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass

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I was contemplating saving this collection of photos for a nude post, but then I considered he's not showing off quite enough to justify that. So, here we have Vince Ramos showing off his hot body and that gorgeous ass for the guys in a great shoot by Gregory Prescott, delivered as a male model post instead. Now, I know what some of you guys are thinking, the ink is a bit much. I get it, there's a lot of guys out there who really don't like tattoos. Personally I don't mind them when they mean something and aren't just looking like someones been drawing patterns in biro. I don't think his ink detracts from his sexiness in this shoot. It's a good shoot too, pretty sexy and teasing. Clearly he doesn't have a problem showing off that sexy ass, and he really shouldn't be shy about it at all. I would love to experience that hot butt up close! lol As you know I love some outdoor nudity in a shoot, so that's what initially drew me to him, but what I found in the rest of the pics is definitely something to appreciate. Enjoy his photos, leave a comment, give him a thumbs-up, share the post around if you can (your friends and followers will certainly appreciate it!) most of all have a glorious Friday! Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass 1 Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass 2 Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass 3 Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass 4 Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass 5 Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass 6 Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass 7 Handsome Vince Ramos Has A Lovely Ass 8

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