Handsome And Smooth Young Hottie Victor Dalcol

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Okay guys, I think I'm definitely on a bit of a twink thing today, but I think you'll be okay with that when you see these photos of handsome and smooth young Victor Dalcol in nothing but his underwear, and then teasing us with some very sexy nudity too. It's actually been a little hard to find out much about him, but I can tell you he's Brazilian. Why is it that so many gorgeous young male models who show off some sexy underwear happen to be from that part of the world? Oh, yes, it's because so many Brazilian men are damn gorgeous :) This guy has got it all going on. He's so incredibly handsome, looking a little Clark Kent in some pics, then looking dreamy and collegiate in others, then looking like a hot little hook up you found at the club in the next. He does it all pretty well. Photographer Jeremy Holden is the one responsible for these photos, taken for COOL Korea Magazine. There's not a whole lot more out there that I can see, but I think that's likely to change in the coming months. I expect to see a lot more of this handsome guy and his sexy body in 2018. Let me know in the comments what you guys think. Do you want more of him?

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Juraj Zamek
Juraj Zamek
7 years ago


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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