Handsome Oliver Hines Is Looking Damn Sexy

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Oliver Hines is my kind of man, although I will say that I wish he would smile a little. He's a buff and sexy dude who has a great daddy look to him. He would look good in a suit, but looks better in his underwear. I can only imagine he would look even better totally butt naked! This shoot is for ADON Magazine and I'm guessing it's one of only a couple of shoots so far. I went looking for more of him and I found another couple of pics of the guy looking a little more fresh-faced. I'm not sure what that means, did he leave the business and then come back later? Not that any of this matters, all we care about is the fact that he's a good looking guy wearing nothing but his undies, and we want to see him without them too. You guys know I have a thing for handsome men with a little stubble, and I think that's one of the things that makes him so sexy. I can't imagine him clean shaven, but I guess he would be pretty damn hot without it anyway. Still, I like the way he looks now. Check him out, say something in the comments, give him a thumbs-up :) Have a greta Monday and don't work too hard!

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