Handsome Muscle Model Martin King Loves To Tease

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How is it that we haven't seen the immensely sexy Martin Kind on the Gay Body Blog before today? I get the feeling we might have seen one or two selfies from this guy over the years, but it's definitely better to have a full collection of gorgeous photos of the guy like this one. And, yes, you'll notice that Rick Day is the legendary guy giving us these photos, in his incredible style too. He's apparently not alone in this endeavor. While usually his shoots are just under his famous name, this one is apparently by Mr. Day and a guy called Michael Downs. I don't know what the deal is there, but as long as we get plenty more great shoots like this I'm more than happy about their partnership. So, what can I tell you about Martin King? He's a performer and a male model, and he's a handsome and incredibly well defined hunk with a little fur in all the right places. He's not too shy either and I think he's made some very sexy videos in the past. I was looking for more about the guy but because his name is pretty common it was a difficult task to find more info. Let me know at the bottom of the post if you have anything to add about him. He's definitely looking amazing in these teasing images, but we're left wanting a lot more of the guy. Let me know in the comments what you guys think of him! Hit that thumbs-up button too. Have a fantastic Friday! :)

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George Baez
George Baez
7 years ago

Your site is great, only negative thing I would say is the photos or small and low resolution. You used to post better quality pictures.

7 years ago

Big Guy ! Not enough blankets for him on that floor- LET TONY HELP !!

7 years ago

Rick Day is the best at his job!

1 year ago

Come on– spread those legs and show that big dick and nutts.

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