Handsome Muscle Boy Tristan McLeod Has An Awesome Thick Dick

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I have to start this post by pointing out that this handsome muscle boy is a cam performer. Apparently he's not willing to try other things at Bel Ami.

I know that sounds very disappointing but they have managed to persuade other straight boys to try new things in the past. It's never completely off the table.

Despite all of that I knew you guys would appreciate checking out handsome muscle boy Tristan McLeod and his awesome thick dick in this new solo jack off session.

He's definitely one for all the fans of muscle. If you like incredibly thick cocks then you're going to be spending a while imagining what you might do with this young man's erection.

He's a confident guy. Then again it would be hard not to be if you looked like this.

He is damn gorgeous, isn't he?

You can just imagine how much attention he must get from other guys in the gym showers. I mean, we'd all be staring.

I think even a lot of straight guys would find it hard not to look.

He delivers a nice show, revealing his incredible body and posing for us, playing with his cock and jacking off to a good spooge pumping finish.

Some guys just have that natural show off attitude.

When you get over there to watch him (click here for the video) make sure you leave a comment asking for more of him. I know that audience feedback has a real impact on what models are likely to do in the future :)

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2 years ago

How long before they come out with a Dildo?

2 years ago

Wow he’s beautiful.

2 years ago

The best legendary TRISTAN in my dreamland (no question of “philtre d’amour” to fall in

1 year ago

Pound my tight little ass–forever with big low hangers

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