Handsome Muscle Bear Adriano Cardoso

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You guys know I'm not too good with the labels. I have to say that I don't really know where they all came from or when. I can still remember when I first arrived on the scene and the only terms familiar to me were leather gays and chickens lol For this post I'm referring to Adriano Cardoso as a muscle bear. There's probably another term I'm missing entirely, but I don't yet have my updated "2018 International Gay Dicktionary" to check :) This handsome guy is new to me, but after seeing this shoot by photographer Bruno Cavalcanti for Barbado I think we're going to be seeing more of him in the future. He's a pretty sexy guy, but in a pretty understated way, if that makes sense. I can imagine him being more adorable than sexy at first glance, but then when you get him in the bedroom you discover a different side of him. Of course, it helps that he's packing some impressive muscle while having that cute face. Would you be kicking him out of your bed? I very much doubt it. I have to say, though, I'm not sure about the hair. I've seen him with dark hair and he definitely looks sexier. But I'm no fashion guru, so what the hell do I know? lol Have a great Tuesday guys! See you back here tomorrow. Male model Adriano Cardoso in white underwear Male model Adriano Cardoso in the sun wearing white underwear Sexy muscle bear Adriano Cardoso laying in the sun Muscled model Adriano Cardoso sunbathing Male model Adriano Cardoso sitting in the shade in white underwear tattooed muscle man laying in a swimming pool Handsome and bearded male model in white underwear outside Male model Adriano Cardoso leaning on a chair beside a blue pool in the sun Muscled and hairy bearded man Adriano Cardoso Male model Adriano Cardoso laying in a swimming pool Handsome male model Adriano Cardoso lays in the sun wearing white underwear

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5 years ago

Wow me enamoré

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