Handsome Model And Actor Nico Tortorella Is One To Watch

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This isn't the first time we've enjoyed handsome and hairy hottie Nico Tortorella on the blog, but I'm getting a little more in-depth than we did back in June for this post. If you're wondering where you've seen him, you might have watched him in Scream 4, Fox show The Following or the comedy-drama series Younger. I actually haven't seen any of those, but I have seen plenty of his sexy bod out there on the Internet. He's not just an actor, he's a model too, and a damn sexy one who isn't afraid to get a little more daring than most. There are suggestions that nude pics are out there but while I have seen some photoshops I haven't found any genuine ones that I can confirm are actually him. There's a good chance there are a couple from when he was younger and posing naked. If you're getting that "vibe" from him you would be right to. He's openly bisexual, and he's the kind of creative guy who probably wouldn't shy away from getting his clothes off for the right project, whether that's on screen or in front of the camera. This shoot for Gay Times is a pretty good one, but we still want to see him in the buff! Anyone else getting a Benjamin Godfre feel about him? He's become kind of a benchmark for me when I see guys who have that wild creative attitude about them. Let me know what you guys think of him in the comments :) Have a wonderful Saturday!

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6 years ago

He’s sexy, but those seemingly random inks ruined his body! Alas!

6 years ago

His head and heart are in the right place, too. He recently hosted an event here in NYC to benefit the Ali Forney Center, which is an organization that provides housing and services for homeless LGBT youth. Good job!!

6 years ago

Hopefully, somebody will watch him; I’ll pass. Keep his clothes on. There’s LOTS better out there.

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