Handsome Mexico Model Hazael Ortiz Would Get It

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This super handsome Mexico model dropped into my emails this morning and I needed more.

That was even more true after I found out a little info about him.

We love it when a hot dude has more going on than we first expect, and that's the case with Hazael Ortiz.

To be honest I don't know what I expected. If there's one thing I've learned in my time seeking out and writing about hot guys it's that there's usually something about them that's unexpected.

I don't always find it, but you can guarantee there's always that one little thing that makes you go "huh!"

I think a lot of us look at a guy and think we've got them worked out. We like to pretend we can read people. I do it far more often than I would like to admit.

You know how so many male models seem to be personal trainers? Well, this guy is an architect.

I'm not saying that this automatically elevates his status above anyone else, I'm just real appreciative of anyone in the creative business.

He's a handsome guy, with a sexy body. He's not a stereotypical male model. There's something more down-to-earth about him.

While he's not a personal trainer he does enjoy the gym, obviously.

He also loves nature, travel and art.

Ticking all the right boxes there, Hazael!

He's my kind of man, even if I'm probably not his kind of man! :)

These pics by Eddie García are a great introduction to this handsome Mexico model, and I'm already looking forward to more.

Put a sexy, intelligent and creative man in some snug undies and you're gonna get my attention! lol

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post. Have a great Thursday while I consider trying to clear my work for the next few days so I can do some painting.

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8 months ago

Dude, give us your whole body!

Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
8 months ago

1st photo is beautiful. Sigh…

8 months ago

attitudes sexys non?

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