Handsome Marcel Schlutt Gets His Cock Out For The Boys

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One of my friends sent me an email with some sexy pics of a handsome guy showing off his cock this morning and I had to get out there to try and find out who the dude was. It turns out his name is Marcel Schlutt, and he's a German male model, actor and porn star that some of you might know. I love it when a mainstream actor manages to cross all those lines. We don't see it very often, but I think it's becoming more common now than it ever was before. Is it a change in cultural attitudes to sex and nudity? I'm old enough to remember when it would have been career-ending for an actor if they had a former porn career exposed. These days it seems that guys like Marcel can be proud of their nudity and still continue with a mainstream career. I like it, and I like him. I think he's pretty handsome, in a bad boy kind of way. He's definitely sexy, and I think you're gonna agree that we want to see more of him on the blog in the future. Let me know what you think of him in the comments, do you want to see more of him and that sexy dick?

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6 years ago

Very naughty and ever so slightly dangerous, say his twinkle eyes.

Brad Li
Brad Li
2 years ago

He is sexy. I love him. Show more his or others nudity.

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