Handsome Manly Hunk Javier F.A Looks Tasty!
Do you like your men to be real manly men? Do you prefer your hunks to be hairy in all the right places and bulging with muscles? Then you're gonna want to see more of male model Javier F.A after seeing this shoot for Modus Vivendi.
He's being snapped by lucky photographer Joan Crisol in this interesting collection of images, going from hot to cold with some interesting use of color.
It has to be said that their underwear looks damn good on him. He's really filling those things up and putting on a great show.
I know it's probably nothing like I imagine, but I do enjoy thinking about the job of the person who judges whether a model has "the goods" to make their product really stand out :)
For those who want a little more info than usual, I can tell you that this was shot in Madrid, Spain, and that the random woman appearing in some of these shots is Santa Kira. Not sure why you might want to know that, but there it is.
Enjoy these pics, rest assured that I'm gonna be out there looking for more of this sexy hunk a little later, hopefully there's a nude shoot somewhere I can share with you guys for the weekend.
Have a lovely Friday!

super meaty