Handsome Male Model Brandon Lipchik Looking Sexy In His Underwear

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A lot of the time when you see a gorgeous male model you can pretty much predict what their day job is, or where their career path has taken them. It might seem like I'm stereotyping models, but over the years I've noticed some common themes. Most of the time a muscled jock model is a personal trainer or motivational speaker in the fitness business, for instance. Then you have the gorgeous male models who are also actors, or the guys who are in a band. In the case of Brandon Lipchik it was definitely less obvious. He's a stunning young American model, but he's also an artist. Of course, being an aspiring artist myself (always aspiring!) since I can remember, I was intrigued and went looking for some of his work. What I found is actually pretty interesting, kind of Pop art, Warhol-esque, colorful and energetic, and all in the digital art medium. But, although I want to see more of that, this post is about him, that handsome face and that sexy body. I think we all have to agree that Brandon Lipchik is pretty stunning, beautiful even. One of his best features is that sexy mouth. I don't know why but I have a thing for guys who have that barely visible Cheshire cat upturn at the corners. Does anyone know what I mean? Anyway, check him out in this very sexy series of images by acclaimed photographer Brian Jamie. Leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button. Most of all, have a wonderful Thursday! Black and white image of male model Brandon Lipchik sitting Male model Brandon Lipchik by Brian Jamie Male model Brandon Lipchik getting undressed Athletic male model Brandon Lipchik in his underwear Handsome male model Brandon Lipchik by Brian Jamie Brandon Lipchik in white underwear Sexy male model Brandon Lipchik showing his abs wearing white underwear

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