Handsome Jock Jax Sinks His Raw Cock Into Bottom Archie

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It's Saturday!

I might not need to tell you that, but the way the days have been rolling imperceptibly from one into another for me over the last few months I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know.

That means it's time for some hot hardcore fun, and as it's been a while since I got my grubby hands on some pics from Sean Cody I thought you might appreciate the sight of handsome jock hunk Jax pumping his big bare dick into the hairy little ass of very eager bottom Archie.

You probably know already that I really have a thing for Jax, he's one of my faves on the site and I think I've watched all of his videos at least once. Young Archie is a damn fit little muscle guy too, though, so seeing these guys together is a guaranteed winner.

I have to say, though, that pic with the look of surprise on young Archie's face is one of the funniest I've seen in a while. They don't usually go down that comedic porn route but I can't say it's a bad thing lol

Enjoy some pics, and click through for the video. Remember that you get a discount there if you use our link so make sure you do.

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4 years ago

Yum. Both very handsome and well built men. Nice eye candy…and thanks for the spankbank material!

4 years ago

A perfect pairing. Two of the best-looking guys in the business.

3 years ago

What happened to Sean Cody? A few years ago they featured a new model like every other day. Now it’s the same guys over and over again fucking each other and now we’re lucky if we see more than 2 new models in one month.

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