Handsome Jock Daddy Henrique Hansmann Shows His Bod

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Some guys are just too damn handsome, and this handsome jock daddy is one of them.

His name is Henrique Hansmann and I believe he's from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Not only is he a very handsome model he's also a photographer who focuses on architecture. I've seen some of that work and it's very impressive!

I'm not entirely sure why we haven't checked him out before here at Gay Body Blog, but I'm glad he popped up in my emails.

The first thing you'll notice is just how damn handsome he is. But, the second thing you'll notice is that scowl.

Yeah, he's one of those models who doesn't smile, or the photographers he works with don't want him to.

It's all so serious!

I'm sure he's not like that in real life, but it would be nice to see at least one photo of him giving us a grin.

The best pics are those with him in his bulging underwear, though.

I think we can tell every inch of him is worth checking out, but I don't think he's been in any nude shoots.

We would love to see it!

Enjoy this handsome jock daddy and drop a comment below. Hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him :)

Have a fantastic Sunday!

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Uncut Henry
Uncut Henry
8 months ago

Awesome body. Love it

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