Handsome Hunk Tyler Lough Is Looking Delicious

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Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope your day is good so far. If it's just been another day then perhaps I can make it a little more interesting with this collection of photos of handsome hunk Tyler Lough? You probably know that we've seen him on the Gay Body Blog a few times in the past, but probably not as much as we should have. In fact, I know we haven't seen him as much as he deserves to be seen because the last post with him was back in August last year, and before that we hadn't seen him since 2013! I'm not sure why that is, he's a gorgeous man with an amazing body and he's got it all going on. He's been in a lot of great shoots over the years, and we've watched him progress from a smooth and pretty jock dude to a handsome and hunky daddy stud. I have to say that while he was hot back then I definitely think he's improved even more with age. I wish someone would say that about me lol This shoot by Theyaoh studios in LA is a pretty sexy one I think you'll agree, but we definitely need more underwear on show. He's been in a lot of great underwear shoots over the years, and it's easy to see why when you check them out and enjoy his package :) Leave a comment (why are you guys so quiet all of a sudden?) and hit that thumbs-up button too. Have a great day!

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