Handsome Hunk Horacio Pancheri
How many words could you think of to accurately describe Horacio Pancheri? The first one to come to my mind was handsome, then hunky, then smooth and muscled... I guess he could be considered to be another one of our sexy jock boys a few of you have been asking for, but with a little rugged hairiness too. Is it the perfect combination of smooth jock muscle and hairy hunk features that does it for you with this dude? ;)
I'm gonna say something about the photography here... doesn't it seem like a little bit of a wasted opportunity?
Dufour Underwear have this sexy young smooth muscled guy showing off their underwear, and they seemingly have him in some interesting locations with some interesting backdrops, but the style of the shoot is pretty bland, right?
I think you know what I mean. He might as well be in a blank catalog pose. Why bother with the locations and interesting backdrops if the end result is going to be like a catalog shoot?
Maybe I'm just spoiled by the likes of CellBlock 13, I'm getting used to seeing some interesting pics! lol
Still, the guy in the shoot is hot, even if the style is a little uninspired. ;)

Handsome but not exactly ripped. Looks kind of stiff also.
He has to be one of the most beautiful men you have ever displayed…. Awesome.