Handsome Hunk Daniel Is About To Bottom Again!

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It's no secret that I love the guys of Sean Cody, but some more than others. Daniel is undeniably one of the hottest guys there, and he has been since he arrived back in 2012. He soon became an instant hit with the fans, and for many reasons. First of all, he was only 26, but he looked like a gorgeous daddy with an incredible body. He also has a long and throbbing cock that he certainly knows how to use. He's one of the most aggressive and hardcore guys they've ever had. You almost feel the ache yourself when you see him pounding away and being so into it. And, of course, one of the other great things about him is that massive cum load he usually spews out when he finally can't take any more. Honestly, if you love big messy loads from a dude then you need to see him in action. He actually started out "straight but not narrow". He was seemingly eager to try new things with guys and once he got that first experience he was coming back for more. He only bottomed three times, then disappeared for a while, then came back hotter than ever. Now, you might be wondering why I'm talking about him. It's because he's about to return to get his ass filled by one of the hottest hung guys they have there right now. Big muscle dude Randy is about to pound that hole with his fat uncut cock, and from what I've seen of the pics it's going to be amazing to watch. Check them out together in the gallery and click through to be ready for the video, I think we'll all be watching this video more than once!

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