Handsome Hunk Colin Ferguson

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Okay, so this is going to be a little unconventional. I'm not focusing on a model or global superstar for this post, but I'm sharing with you Sheriff Jack Carter - otherwise known as actor Colin Ferguson.

I first saw this gorgeous man on the SyFy show Eureka a couple of years ago and I've been hooked on it (him) ever since. I have to admit that I am a little bit of a geek, so the show drew me in for that originally. But once I saw this gorgeous man in his hot Sheriff outfit I was more interested in the show for completely different reasons.

Strangely, while I thought I might be alone in my love of Colin Ferguson, I've since found at least three gay friends who harbored a secret love of the guy too. So I'm glad I'm not alone.

Even his character and style on the show is sexy, with his facial expressions and one-liners being perfectly placed to make me melt just a little bit more. Am I obsessed? Perhaps. But if you've not seen the show you should check it out, especially if you like the look of this guy.

Reading up a little, it turns out this Canadian hunk has done a bit more than just Eureka, but I guess it's what he's most famous for. I wish we could see more of him, but I have managed to find some shots of him shirtless. Please let me know if you can find anything else! ;)

Gorgeous Actor Colin Ferguson Gorgeous Actor Colin Ferguson Gorgeous Actor Colin Ferguson Gorgeous Actor Colin Ferguson Gorgeous Actor Colin Ferguson Gorgeous Actor Colin Ferguson

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13 years ago

I think he was naked in a Tales of the City movie.

13 years ago

Wow…I thought I was one of the few gay guys who lusted after this man. There is something just sexy about him, even when he’s being a little bit of a spaz/goof for the show. He’s adorable, especially when he smiles…and that body is pretty amazing, especially in his uniform. Yum!

13 years ago

I like Ferguson a lot, and he is sexy as hell. But I have issues with Carter. Before coming to Eureka, he was an *FBI agent*, FFS; he has to at least have a college degree, but they write him as barely smarter than Barney Fife.

Reply to  DrRandy
9 years ago

He was a US Marshall.

Reply to  godofbiscuits
9 years ago

My point is unchanged – he HAS to have been smarter than the writers gave him credit for to get that job.

13 years ago

I’ve thought Colin Ferguson was choice since I first spotted him in More Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin. The only thing hotter than Colin in Eureka is his co-star, Niall Matter as Zane. If you’re a Eureka fan I’m sure you’ve dug him; he’s *unbelievably* hot. I’m surprised he doesn’t leave molten footprints on the streets of that town.

13 years ago

If you want to see his naked butt, look for the DVD of More Tales Of The City, a Showtime/UK Channel 4 mini-series from 1998. All three Tales Of The City series are highly recommended, but Colin’s only in More Tales.

13 years ago

A definite “man’s man”…

13 years ago

Need a shot of Colin with the whole chest visible, not just the tip top. It looks as though he has a little something growing there. Possibly he would display it more if given some encouragement.

The1@oves u
The1@oves u
11 years ago

No are the hot’s man I every seen in my life, I would love to be your man, anything you want to do to me! You may!

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