Handsome, Happy And Hunky Wall Ruiz

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I have a new dude to add to my list of handsome hunks to drool over, and I get the feeling I'm not gonna be the only one.

Check out Wall Ruiz, a gorgeous man who breaks the tradition of gorgeous men staring blankly and looking all-so-serious in their shoots. I know a few of you have mentioned it in the past, how so many male models seem to avoid any appearance of happiness or even contentment in their photos, so it's nice to see a male model actually smiling in his shoots.

Of course, that might be the photographer's choice, which in this case would be Gustavo Bresciani, but whoever made that choice I think it was the right one.

I know a little about this handsome hunk. He's actually not a male model by profession, which was quite shocking to me. And no, he's not a personal trainer either!

He's actually an architect!

I know, we're all surprised, but we really shouldn't be. He's clearly an intelligent and attractive man and he also happens to be damn gorgeous, too.

Enjoy these pics, leave a comment and let me know what you think of him, and hit that thumbs-up button before you go.

Most importantly, have a great Wednesday!

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5 years ago

I generally don’t like scruffy. But that brilliant smile and the bedroom blue eyes would probably doom me if we actually met.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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