Handsome Hairy Youth Gabriel Loureiro

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Okay guys, this post is one for all the guys out there who love naturally fit young men with hot bodies, and those with a little fur too! His name is Gabriel Loureiro and this is the first time we've seen him on the Gay Body Blog, but I really don't think it's going to be the last time. In fact I'm going to get out there and see what else I can find with this sexy young man. It's pretty rare to see a young man like him with some fur all over his chest and abs, and I guess some of you might be a little turned on by that. I do need to say though, he's going to have to keep that in check in the future, he could end up looking like a rug when he's in his 30's! lol Not that many of us would mind giving him a full body wax - back, sack and crack :) I actually knew a guy a lot like him when I was in my teens, a friend of mine with a lot of fur on his body and a big uncut cock too - I should know, we wanked together plenty of times back then. Anyway, have a good look at this handsome young man in his shoot for photographer Ted Sun, leave a comment and give him a thumbs-up at the bottom of the post, and why not share him around with all your friends out there? Have a great Saturday guys! Handsome Hairy Youth Gabriel Loureiro 1 Handsome Hairy Youth Gabriel Loureiro 2 Handsome Hairy Youth Gabriel Loureiro 3 Handsome Hairy Youth Gabriel Loureiro 4 Handsome Hairy Youth Gabriel Loureiro 5 Handsome Hairy Youth Gabriel Loureiro 6 Handsome Hairy Youth Gabriel Loureiro 7

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8 years ago

Very very handsome MAN! thanks!

8 years ago

For now he’s OK (indeed better than OK), but get any furrier it’s a definite NO. Starting waxing soon.

8 years ago

Gabriel:: don’t you dare touch anything on your face::it’s near perfection .. If it’s for runway then it’s temporary & that’s part of the job.. Just try swimming in a pool or wherever .. No huge muscles needed..

James B.
James B.
1 year ago

Love his hairy legs.

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