I’d Love To See Handsome Fitness Hunk Jimmy Drew Naked

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There's a lot to love about this handsome fitness hunk, and I already know you're going to be drawn to that bulge.

Some guys just fill shorts and underwear extremely well. We love seeing it.

Somehow, surprisingly, he doesn't seem to do a lot of underwear modeling. I don't know why, I think some brands are really missing out on a big opportunity there lol

Seeing as Jimmy Drew spends so much time in the gym, and apparently at the beach, I guess a lot of people have seen that generous package in person.

Having (occasionally) visited a gym I can confirm that when a dude like this walks in with his package leading him everyone tends to take notice.

Or at least, I know I do!

So what can I tell you about this handsome fitness hunk that you can't see in the pics?

I know he's from Florida and he's involved in Crossfit. I also know that he spends a lot of time in the water.

A lot of his social media is about him enjoying sports and getting wet.

Check out some of these sexy pics and leave a comment below if you want to see more of him. Don't forget to hit that thumbs-up button, too!

Have a great Sunday and I'll see you back here tomorrow for more hotness :)

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Terrance Coyne
Terrance Coyne
1 year ago

They all look great even in the fact that they covered up their penis and it squeeks through! Love guys who love to get naked with other naked men, like me.

Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Que prancha enorme (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡

Max Robertson
Max Robertson
1 year ago

Check him out on Instagram. He knows how to make his cock bounce through his shorts!

1 year ago

un lutteur: mais désolé de ce voyage du 19 au 13; sans doute suis je déprimé !
merci à l’auteur qui a eu bien du mérite en ces pluies diluviennes

1 year ago

Doesn’t exist naked pics of him?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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