Handsome And Fit Rugby Player And Model Elliott Reeder By James Yardley

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Shoots like this one make me so proud to be British! But, they also make me wish that I had participated more in sport when I was younger. This is Elliott Reeder, he's a gorgeous British guy who plays Rugby and apparently dabbled in male modeling a little while ago too. There's not a whole lot of him out there right now and what I have seen is somewhat amateurish in nature. I don't mean that in a bad way. These shots by James Yardley are pretty damn good, I love the color and the setting, the natural feel to them as though we just walked up and asked a hot guy at the track if we could get some shots of him posing. What I mean is that there's not a lot of studio work, not a lot of imaginative shoots with him posing and showing off the way you might expect to see from other models. I think he has what it takes to really become a bigger name than he is right now. He's such a good looking guy and he has an amazing body to go with that gorgeous face too. We would all love to see a lot more of the guy, right? Leave a comment below and share this post around if you get the chance. Most importantly, have a glorious Saturday!

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7 years ago

This guy is simply just one good-looking individual!! You’re right….the color is great. Orange is my favorite color, and it is dynamite-looking on him!….hooray for rugby!

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