Handsome And Buff Pietro Boselli For Bench Body
I almost didn't share this shoot, because originally I could only find a couple of pics of gorgeous hunk Pietro Boselli showing off his amazing body and I didn't think it would be enough to justify a post. Then I went looking for more...
You probably know about Pietro Boselli already, and if not then I have to ask what it was like living in a remote cabin in the woods for the last few years :)
He's one of the most gorgeous men in the world of male modeling and over the past few years he's been getting a whole lot of work. His story is a great one too. He's a smart man who was teaching in London when a class member took a couple of pics of the hunk bulging out of his sweater and the post went viral.
It soon became apparent that his gorgeous teacher was Pietro Boselli, and that he was a male model.
Within weeks this stunning hunk was showing off his amazing body for some of the biggest and best brands, and he's seemingly only been becoming more and more popular since.
This shoot by Bench Body shows him off pretty well, out in the sun and enjoying the day at the beach
We're all waiting for that totally naked shoot, right?
Happy Halloween guys! Have a great day and don't eat too much candy.

Any picture justifies a post with him!