More Of Handsome & Buff Jonathan Guijarro For Your Saturday
Yes, I have some more of this gorgeous jock dude to share with you. I've been out there admiring a lot of his photos since the post yesterday and I think we might be getting some more of him on the blog next week too. Let me know in the comments if you think we need to see some more of this guy.
As you know, Joan Crisol is the photographer delivering this sexy shoot for us, showing off some of the gear from CODE 22 Swimwear. You need a good model to really display that kind of clothing well, and I think he does a fantastic job of it.
I've been trying to work out what it is about this handsome guy that does it for me. He's definitely a good looking guy, and he has a great body too. I probably don't need to say anything about that bulge, but I will say it's tempting.
I think, overall, it's because he kind of reminds me of a handsome dude I know. He has a very similar build to this guy and he's just as good looking. As you can imagine I've lusted after that friend for a while now!
Anyway, enjoy these photos, let me know in the comments if you want to see more of him in the future and I'll see what I can find.
Have a glorious Saturday!