Handsome Brazilian Model Rodrigo Calazans Is Back!

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Yes, it happened again, another handsome Brazilian model we haven't seen for a long time appeared in my emails this morning and I needed to share him with you all.

It's been ELEVEN YEARS since we last saw Rodrigo Calazans here on the blog.

You all know this happens now and then, but I think eleven years might be a new record for models who just slipped off my radar. I'm not entirely sure why it's taken this long to see him again, but I think he might have been focusing on other things in that time.

I do know that back then he was on the catwalk for a few brands, so maybe he's one of those top models who doesn't pose for photographers as much?

I can tell you a little more about him, too.

Something else I didn't know back when we first saw him is that he was a soccer player before moving into modeling. That certainly explains his super athletic physique.

And now I'm wondering why we haven't seen him in a stylized shoot wearing soccer kit. We all want to see that, right?

He's still gorgeous. After checking his socials I can say that this handsome Brazilian model has aged extremely well over the last decade :)

I think the short hair pic is one from way back, but the others seem to be more recent.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, share the post. Have a great Monday!

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Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Lindo (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠)

1 year ago

un roux comme je les apprécie

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